Once upon a time when I was a freshman in college I failed my public speaking class. I literally got up in front of the class to give my first 5 minute speech of the semester and I blacked out in front of 15 people.
As I write this post, my heart is racing. They say you need to get outside of your comfort zone to grow. Well guess what? I’ll be 2598.8 miles outside of my comfort zone, in a little city called Portland, standing on a stage, in front of a big audience, talking about Real Estate copy writing.
I’m inviting you to a seminar that’s the most “un-seminary” thing you’ve ever been to. Spoiler alert, last time they put on this event they were handing out rolling papers). Trust me, you’ve never been to a real estate conference like this one. It’s called TURN ON and it’s organized by the marketing hot-shop 1000 Watt. It’s a fusion of creativity and business and it’s happening March 21st -22nd. Check out the full lineup at 1000watt.net/turn-on and use my promo code REILLY23 to get 10% off! See you in Portland!